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Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Fort Prefect

So I've been asked (or more accurately yelled at) to officially begin posting blogs. I guess I certainly did enough talking about it. Here you go.

Why should there be another blogger? I mean, there are so damn many other bloggers out there, what reason do I have to add to this cacophony of opinion? My reasoning is simple.


Fuck everyone! Welcome to The Fort Prefect. I am now your new god and you have probably forsaken me. You're just going to have to deal.

The Fort Prefect is the official blog spot for all activity and anecdotes related to The Fort, the humble San Francisco abode of two soul brothers. This is the space where you will read and attempt to understand the minds of a couple of incredibly whacked out guys who honestly have entirely too much time on their hands.

We'd like you to know that you'll never be as amazing or as awesome as we are and we will ruin your life when you realize how incredible ours are. Let this serve as a disclaimer for all of the depression and obsession you will have after reading about us and how much we don't care.

May the Fort be with you.
